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First Meetings 

Orient and introduce Advisory Board members to the organization


  • Orientation and introduction.

  • Clarifying roles and expectations.

  • Reviewing objectives and goals.

  • Establishing meeting cadence.

  • Discussing expectations of participation.

  • Addressing confidentiality and code of conduct.

  • Establishing feedback mechanisms.

  • Facilitating networking and introductions.

  • Q&A and clarifications.

  • Discussion of compensation and agreements.

  • Feedback on meeting structure.

  • Identifying actionable items.

  • Planning for future meetings.

  • Building rapport and relationships.

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This initial meeting sets the tone for the Advisory Board's engagement and establishes a foundation for productive collaboration between members and the organization. It emphasizes clarity, transparency, and a shared commitment to achieving strategic objectives.


Orientation and Introduction:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the organization, its history, mission, and current strategic position.

  • Introduce key executives and stakeholders to familiarize Advisory Board members with the leadership team.


Clarifying Roles and Expectations:

  • Clearly define the roles and expectations of Advisory Board members.

  • Outline their responsibilities, including strategic guidance, mentorship, and potential committee involvement.


Reviewing Objectives and Goals:

  • Review and discuss the primary objectives and goals of the organization.

  • Align Advisory Board members with the strategic direction and key performance indicators.


Establishing Meeting Cadence:

  • Determine the frequency and format of Advisory Board meetings.

  • Discuss the expected duration and preparation required for each meeting.


Discussing Expectations of Participation:

  • Outline expectations regarding Advisory Board members' active participation in discussions, workshops, and strategic planning.

  • Emphasize the value of their insights and contributions.


Addressing Confidentiality and Code of Conduct:

  • Discuss and reinforce the importance of confidentiality.

  • Review the organization's code of conduct and ethical guidelines.


Establishing Feedback Mechanisms:

  • Implement mechanisms for Advisory Board members to provide feedback on organizational strategies and their experiences on the board.

  • Foster an open and constructive feedback culture.


Facilitating Networking and Introductions:

  • Facilitate networking opportunities among Advisory Board members.

  • Encourage introductions and interactions to build professional relationships.


Q&A and Clarifications:

  • Allow time for Advisory Board members to ask questions and seek clarifications.

  • Address any concerns or uncertainties to ensure a shared understanding.


Discussion of Compensation and Agreements:

  • If not already finalized, discuss compensation details and ensure mutual agreement.

  • Revisit and clarify any terms outlined in formal agreements.


Feedback on Meeting Structure:

  • Gather feedback on the structure and format of the meeting.

  • Use this feedback to make adjustments for future meetings and enhance effectiveness.


Identifying Actionable Items:

  • Identify immediate actionable items or specific tasks for Advisory Board members.

  • Clarify how their expertise will be leveraged in addressing current challenges or opportunities.


Planning for Future Meetings:

  • Outline a tentative schedule and topics for future Advisory Board meetings.

  • Provide an overview of the upcoming strategic focus areas.

  • To maximize our time during meetings, it's crucial that briefings occur before the actual session. This means sending out the agenda and relevant materials well in advance, allowing all participants to come prepared.

  • This way, the time spent together is dedicated to insightful discussions and decision-making, not catching up on information


Building Rapport and Relationships:

  • Foster a collaborative and collegial atmosphere during the meeting.

  • Encourage Advisory Board members to engage with each other and with the organization's leadership.

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