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Striking Diversity in Industrial Transformation

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

The commitment to innovation, sustainability, and a digitized future

innovation, automation, digitalization, robots
Arctic Production Dashboard

We have found ourselves engrossed in a passionate discussion about the global trends in the manufacturing industry.

We had been talking about the rise of Industry 4.0 and how multinational companies were embracing advanced technologies to revolutionize their factories.

Curiosity piqued, we wondered if the same level of innovation could be found also so close to home, in Romania. We decided to embark on an adventure to visit the Arctic factory, a Romanian­­ facility that had garnered worldwide acclaim for its robotic prowess and digital transformation.

The next morning we have discussed with Arctic Digitalization Manager and set off a journey to the Arctic factory. We traveled armed with excitement and a thirst for knowledge and anticipation built within us.

What would we find? Would the Romanian industry truly align with the global challenges and emerging technologies?

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the sight of a sleek, modern facility that exuded an air of technological sophistication. The Arctic factory stood as a shining beacon of innovation in the heart of Romania. Excitement surged through our veins as we stepped inside, eager to explore the wonders within.

We had the privilege of witnessing a remarkable example of a state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 facility. This Romanian factory has proudly placed itself among the most advanced 26 (!) factories, to be precise, digitized factories worldwide, recognized as an Industry 4.0 "Lighthouses" by the WEF, demonstrating the country's commitment to embrace technological advances and tackle industry challenges.

With its army of 200 robots, 100% automated quality control and more than 70% automation of the production operations, 30% productivity increase, 30% reduction in the energy consumption by unit, Autonomous Mobile Robots moving components on the shop floor, and 22,000 data collection points, it exemplifies the future of manufacturing. Such factories leverage the power of robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data analytics to optimize

The importance given to human and social factors is evident at Arctic. The wonderful hosts, who offered us and to the many other visitors an immersive experience, driving us in a golfcart around the factory, took the time to talk to us not only about the great technological achievements, but also about the rich corporate culture they are part of, based for decades on a profound sense of care for the environment and the society.­­­

In stark contrast, older factories often find themselves trapped in outdated practices. Their reliance on paper-based workflows and manual processes hinders their ability to compete in the digital age. The absence of real-time data, automation, and connectivity creates inefficiencies, slows down decision-making, and limits their overall performance.

This contrast in technological stages underscores the critical role of a consultant in digital transformation initiatives. Now more than ever, businesses require expert guidance to navigate the complexities of implementing new technologies and processes. A consultant possesses the expertise and experience necessary to develop a comprehensive strategy tailored to the specific needs of the factory.

The consultant's role extends beyond strategy development; they play a vital role in executing the transformation. They collaborate with stakeholders, management, and employees to foster a culture of change and ensure buy-in at all levels.

Our visit to the Arctic factory left us inspired and proud. Some Romania's manufacturing industry had indeed aligned with global challenges and embraced the technologies needed to overcome them.

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial transformation and digitalization, the diversity in technology stages between factories is still striking. The commitment to innovation, sustainability, and a digitized future were common threads that tied them together.

Our adventure had not only broadened our horizons but had shown us that transformation and opportunities were happening so close to home.

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