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Vision & Mission 

Collaboratively craft a compelling vision and mission


  • Facilitate collaborative workshops with Advisory Board members, stakeholders, and internal leadership

  • Integrate insights from Preliminary Assessment, stakeholder interviews, and SWOT analysis

  • Align with the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas

  • Emphasize customer-centric language and elements

  • Financial Alignment

  • Establish a commitment to continuous refinement

  • Review mechanisms regularly based on metrics and changes

  • Communicate changes transparently.

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This phase emphasizes collaboration, integration of key insights, and a commitment to customer-centricity in crafting the vision and mission. The six-month duration allows for thorough workshops, iterative refinement, and alignment with strategic frameworks. Regular reviews ensure that the vision and mission remain relevant and aligned with organizational goals.


Facilitate Collaborative Workshops:

  • Organize workshops involving Advisory Board members, key stakeholders, and internal leadership.

  • Foster collaboration to gather insights, values, and aspirations.


Integrate Insights from Preliminary Assessment, Stakeholder Interviews, and SWOT Analysis:

  • Utilize information from the Preliminary Assessment, stakeholder interviews, and SWOT analysis.

  • Integrate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into the vision and mission.


Align with the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas:

  • Ensure alignment with the Business Model Canvas to create a cohesive strategic framework.

  • Reflect the value proposition identified in the Value Proposition Canvas in the mission statement.

Emphasize Customer-Centric Language and Elements:

  • Infuse customer-centric language and elements into the vision and mission.

  • Reflect insights from the Value Proposition Canvas and customer relationship analysis.


Financial Alignment

  • Align financial goals, including M&A and financing considerations.

  • Define investment horizons and potential exit strategies in line with the vision and mission.


Establish a Commitment to Continuous Refinement:

  • Commit to revisiting and refining the vision and mission regularly.

  • Develop a process for ongoing improvement based on feedback and evolving organizational needs.

Review Mechanisms Regularly Based on Metrics and Changes:

  • Establish regular review mechanisms for the vision and mission.

  • Use metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to objectively assess their effectiveness.

Communicate Changes Transparently:

  • Clearly communicate any refinements to the vision and mission.

  • Emphasize transparency in the communication of changes to internal and external stakeholders.

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